
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Operation Midnight Climax
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
I got nothing for a witty title here. Operation Midnight Climax was an off-shoot of sorts of MKUltra, so you know it's got some terrible stuff associated with it. From LSD and other mind-altering drugs, to blackmail and mind control, Midnight Climax had it all when it comes to shady government experiments on its unknowing, and non-consenting public!
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Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Ourang Medan | The Ship That Never Was
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Ghost ships are fun stories. They're often great stories. But what happens when the story may or may not be real? Well, we get the mystery of the Ourang Medan.
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Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Some People Suck | Richard Speck
Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
While maybe not as known as say Ted Bundy, Richard Speck was still a notorious criminal who slipped through the cracks of the justice system one too many times. One night in 1966, Speck broke into a boarding house for nurses at a local hospital, and murdered 8 women.
This is Specks story in part.
Spoiler: He's a piece of crap.
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Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
My Apartment Caught On Fire | Let’s Talk About Another One
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Yes, my apartment went up in a blaze. Thankfully the fire department was quick and nobody was injured, but much of the complex got damaged. The unit that caught was below me, and I had my windows open at the time (wasn't home when it started), so sadly my microphone got damaged by a mixture of smoke and heat. There will be a donation link below if you care to help fund a new one.
But today's episode is about a fire as well. One that claimed far too many lives in New Orleans in 1973. Listen for the whole story surrounding the 1973 UpStairs lounge fire.
Fire relief donation
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Monday Jun 26, 2023
Jaws, But In Real Life | The Shark Arm Murder
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Sorry for the lateness of this, but you should expect that by now...
The Shark Arm Murders refer to a notorious criminal case that took place in Sydney, Australia, in 1935. The case gained significant media attention due to its bizarre and macabre nature.
In April 1935, a large tiger shark was caught in the waters near Coogee Beach. When the shark was displayed at the Coogee Aquarium Baths, it vomited out a human arm with a rope tied around its wrist. The arm was promptly identified as belonging to James Smith, a missing ex-boxer and small-time criminal.
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Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Road Trip Gone Wrong | Jamison Family Disappearance
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
So, I'm back after a bit of a surprise break again. My bad! Anyway, we're back with another true crime case this week, and it's the mystery surrounding the Jamison Family and their strange disappearance. It happened back in 2009 when the family, Bobby, Sherilynn, and daughter Madyson, packed everything up and went in search of some land to build a home upon. Only they never found the land, and they never returned.
It wasn't overly surprising to friends that they vanished as the parents, Bobby and Sherilynn, had issues with substance abuse and drugs. They were also into the occult, which, of course is the actual reason for their vanishing. I hope you picked up the sarcasm there... Anywhoo, the theories about their disappearance are vast and varied. And I'll go over all that in the episode!
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Thursday May 11, 2023
Chat GPT Helped Solve The Somerton Man
Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
Okay, not really. But it did help me write this script!
This is a topic I've been wanting to touch base on, but everybody has covered it much better than I could ever have. So I tested out Chat GPT to see if it could lend any more insight on the topic. It... It did not. But it did write me a nice summery of events that was condensed down to a nice ten minutes.
I'm not going to give you much info about it here as, well, the episode is short enough that if I type anything here, I'll give away everything! So listen!
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Thursday Apr 20, 2023
The Sun, The Light, and the Moon | Greek Goddess Theia
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Let's take a break from the dreary true crime stuff for a sec and look at some fun ancient history and mythology for a change!
Today we're talking about Theia, who is sort of a forgotten God now-a-days, but in ancient Greece, she was super important. She is responsible for basically all the light around us, and out ability to see... period. She's the Goddess of the sun, light, sight, and wisdom, among other things. Her role became a little less important as time went on, but through her kids, Helios, Eos, and Selene, her legacy lived on.
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