
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Family Feud | George Arsoniadis
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Back in '05 a man did the unthinkable. After what can only be assumed to be a pretty bad family squabble, George Arsoniadis decided he needed to kill his sister in the very condo they had just moved into together. It wasn't even a week after they moved that neighbors complained about a foul smell coming from the unit. Police got involved, and not long after, George was arrested and sat in jail.
The police found something out of a horror movie in the dwelling - body parts stashed in freezers and all sorts of gruesome pieces of evidence. George faced trial, and the outcome might just cause your blood to boil.
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Thursday Mar 30, 2023
This Is Why I Hate Water | The Bluebelle
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Back in the early 60's, a guy wanted to take his family on a private cruise. That's all. He chartered a ketch out of Florida and spent a week at sea with his family, the ship's captain, the captain's wife. What they didn't expect was to never be heard from again, except for one touch as nails little girl. She was known as the Sea Orphan, but her real name was Terry-Job Duperrault.
Upon hearing of her survival, the other survivor, who was thought the be the lone one, Julian Harvey asked to be excused from talking to the police. He then went to a motel and slashed various parts of his body, killing himself. In what was believed to be an insurance fraud situation gone awry, Harvey killed his wife, then what he thought was the entirety of the Duperrault family, before escaping a sinking ship.
It's a fascinating tale with a lot of crazy details, so you'll just have to listen!
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Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Sadly Natalie Wood Didn’t Float
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Back in 1981, an incredibly talented actress supposedly fell overboard and drown by complete accident. That is if you believe the original reports on Natalie Wood. However, if you believe the updates from around 2011 and beyond, the actress's death was no mere accident.
Married to Robert Wagner, and on a boat with Christopher Walken, Wood apparently got into an argument with her husband before everything went silent. This is according to the boat captain. He went to check on the couple when he discovered that Natalie was nowhere to be seen, and only a calm Wagner in his cabin saying that Natalie took the dingy and fled the boat.
Other reports from a nearby boat say they heard a woman calling for help for about half an hour before the cries ceased.
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Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Real Life Respawn? | The Pollock Twins
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Death is a weird thing. It's really one of the few things in the universe we know about, but know almost nothing about. What really happens when we die? Do we go in the clouds, does everything turn black, or do we maybe come back as another person; almost like a respawn in a video game. Well, if you believe what happened to the Pollocks, then its certainly the latter.
The Pollocks were a young family in the mid 1950's, they had two daughters and lived a small, peaceful town in England. Everything was great until it wasn't. Thanks to a distraught woman who downed a few too many pills, the two Pollock girls were run down at ages 11 and 6.
The tragedy was brutal, and took it's toll on the parents - that is until they unexpectedly gave birth two identical twins a year later. Twins who had shockingly similar characteristics to their late sisters, even down to birthmarks and scars. It's a bizarre story, and one you'll have to listen to all the way through.
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Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Yes, you read that wordy title right. in late 2010 a man by the name of Matthew Hoffman entered the home of the Herrmann's, killed Tina (Mom), Kody (Son), and Stephanie (mom's friend), dismembered them and stashed them away. On top of that, he kidnapped 13-year-old Sarah and kept her captive for four long days. He did unspeakable things to poor Sarah who, when found, was just worried about her school attendance.
Hoffman was dubbed the leaf killer not just because he was profession tree trimmer, but more so due to the fact his home was filled floor to ceiling with leaves. Just thousand and thousands of leaves.
Learn more about this strange guy and his heinous crimes in the episode.
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Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Oni Oni Oni! | The Oni
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
A region I have neglected for far too long has been Asian, and Japan more specifically. The culture in the east is so rich and depthy that I feel bad for not covering more of it. So today I bring you the Oni! The Oni is a monster of sorts that has a varied origin story. Some say it's a demon, others a spirit of some kind. To some, they are protectors, others; tormentors. One thing most can agree on though is that they are scary AF. They generally have the same description throughout time, and the mask is one that is famous the world over.
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Website: Horror Shots
Instagram: ominousoriginspod
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Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Weird Suspects In A Weird Case | Dardeen Family Murders Final
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Yes, today we're looking at the conclusion of the Dardeen Family Murders. Sadly there isn't much of a conclusion to the case, but we had to close it out by looking at the main suspect, and how he may or may not have been involved.
Tommy Lynn Sells was sitting on death row in Texas for another murder when he confessed to killing the Dardeens. While he knew some of the details of the case, he had a hard time keeping his story straight, and he didn't really reveal many details outside of what was publicly known, and when he did, they were vague guesses, or so some thought.
Also, I meant to get this up yesterday, on the big ol' V-Day. So excuse the references to that in there. Let's just pretend I have my crap together and it went up when it was supposed to.
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Website: Horror Shots
Instagram: ominousoriginspod
Twitter: @horrorshotsprod
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Patreon: www.patreon.com/horrorshots

Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Can’t Arrest Me if I’m Dead | The Dardeen Murders
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Back in '87 a man was thought to have murdered his entire family. However, that didn't last too long as his body was found roughly a day later. That man was Keith Dardeen, and he was originally thought to have been the perpetrator of a truly heinous crime. Unfortunately, his body too was found some ways away from the scene.
This left police stumped. Nothing was taken from the house, and his wife, Elaine, had not been sexually assaulted in any way. There didn't appear to be a motive, though the area of Illinois that this took place in had become a bit of a hotbed for criminal activity. The family had even planned on moving back to Keith's hometown due to the increase in crime.
The details of the murder are pretty brutal, and certainly aren't for the faint of heart, so consider this your warning.
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