
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
My Top 5 Absolute Fav Cryptids!
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Yes, I've run out of ideas and have resorted to a filthy top five! No, not really, but kinda. I figure it was time you got to know me just a little bit, and what better way than to introduce my favorite creatures?! I won't be doing this all the time, but every once in a while (when I don't have much time) I'll drop one of these.
These are my favorite cryptids, won't list them here... That's what the episode is for! Not a lot of surprises here, to be honest, but it was fun looking over my old favorites; it was sort of like catching up with old friends.
Also, I'll be uploading more to Patreon in the near future, so if you want some more OO content, that's where to head!
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Monday Jan 23, 2023
It’s Getting Hot Inside | Spontaneous Human Combustion
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
So yeah, sometimes people burn from the inside out and ultimately die. Even odder still is that this seems to happen for no reason whatsoever, they just melt away, leaving nothing behind by a greasy stain and their feet. Now, even odder-er is that usually in these cases, everything around them is near spotless. If the person goes up while sitting in a rocking chair, the chair unmarred by the flame. Just the person seems to catch ablaze, and then, poof, just as quickly as it happened, it stops.
Of course there are some science type people out there who don't really believe that somebody could just burst into flame without an ignition source, but those same people always just say that a cigarette ember travelled through the air from Chicago to Toronto and lit poor Sheila on fire.
Anyway, it's a pretty interesting topic with a few notable cases throughout history. Check it out, why don't ya.
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Monday Jan 16, 2023
The Last Moments of Cindy James |Final
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
I'm back to finish up the Cindy James story, and sadly, it doesn't have a happy ending. Poor Cindy spent the better part of a decade being harassed and tormented by an unknown assailant. She was left terrifying messages, her home was broken into, and her place set on fire on multiple occasions. The RCMP investigated and spent more than a million dollars on looking into these events for Cindy, until eventually they sort of gave up. The said she was likely doing this to herself and that was that.
Well, that was that until she died. She was found in the backyard of an abandoned house, hogtied, with a cocktail of drugs in her system. Around the scene was graffiti, and everything pointed to murder. Her stalker had finally got her... Right? Well, the RCMP concluded that this was a suicide, if you can believe that. During an inquiry into the case, a knot expert said she could have tied herself up before the effects of all the narcotics in her system kicked in. I don't know if I believe that. Regardless, her case was eventually closed citing the entire thing as an unknown event.
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Patreon: www.patreon.com/horrorshots

Thursday Jan 12, 2023
I’m Back, and We’re Talking About Cindy James | Part One
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Yes, I know, it's been a hot minute, and I'm deeply sorry for that. But we're back talking some true crime, Canadian true crime nonetheless. Cindy James went through quite the ordeal in the 80's as she was stalked, intimidated, assaulted, and all around harassed for years. Many suspected it was her ex-husband, but the number of accounts and witnesses suggest maybe it wasn't. What Cindy endured was, frankly, ridiculous. I won't go into all the details here, but she did end up in the hospital multiple times. Despite the best efforts of a P.I. and a boyfriend who was a cop, the harassment continued. She moved, she changed her number, and even changed her car colour to hide her identity, but it was to no avail. The perpetrator seemed to know her every move, leaving a letter for her the day she arrived home from a lengthy trip. But what happened in the end? Well, you'll have to tune into the next episode... and listen to this one too...
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Patreon: www.patreon.com/horrorshots

Monday Nov 14, 2022
Ancient Serial Killers!
Monday Nov 14, 2022
Monday Nov 14, 2022
Top ten lists are weird, and this might be the strangest one: top ten serial killers from ancient history. It's super specific, but it's also very interesting. Many of us have this morbid fascination with serial killers, but few know more than the big ones from modern day (Bundy, Dahmer, etc...). So let's explore some brutal killers from the really olden days!
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Website: Horror Shots
Instagram: ominousoriginspod
Twitter: @horrorshotsprod
Facebook: Horrorshots
Patreon: www.patreon.com/horrorshots

Monday Nov 07, 2022
The Letters Always Circle back to Circleville
Monday Nov 07, 2022
Monday Nov 07, 2022
With all the hype surrounding the Watcher on Netflix, I thought I'd take a look at another strange watcher type case that took place a good 25 years prior to the 657 Boulevard case. This took place from the mid-70's all the way to the early 90's, and it took place in the sleepy town of Circleville, Ohio.
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Website: Horror Shots
Instagram: ominousoriginspod
Twitter: @horrorshotsprod
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Patreon: www.patreon.com/horrorshots

Monday Oct 31, 2022
Happy Halloween, Ya Filthy Witches!
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Yes, it's Halloween, so what better time to drop an episode about witches? Well, one witch anyway, and she went by the name Alice Kyteler. She was more or less a black widow in the early 1300's, bagging herself a small fortune in the wake of a bunch of dead husbands. For her lifestyle, she was naturally branded a witch, the first in Irish history even, to an extent.
This is Alice Kyteler, Happy Halloween!
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Website: Horror Shots
Instagram: ominousoriginspod
Twitter: @horrorshotsprod
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Patreon: www.patreon.com/horrorshots

Friday Oct 21, 2022
Camp Crystal Lake, But For Real? The Keddie Cabin Murders.
Friday Oct 21, 2022
Friday Oct 21, 2022
Back in April of '81 a terrible act took place in the cabins of Keddie, California. It's like something out of a movie, really. A young girl returned to her cabin after a night at her friend's place, however not all was well when she walked on a brutal scene. Before her lay her mother, brother, and her brother's friend, all dead. But not just dead, but rather killed in such a vicious manner that it'd be almost uncouth to talk about. What she didn't see was her other siblings. Thankfully two boys sleeping in a room not more than 10 feet from where the murders took place were unharmed. However, the youngest sister was nowhere to be found.
The investigation was rife with corruption and just terrible police work - like every crime scene on this podcast, really. And partly because of that ineptitude, the case was never solved.
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