
Friday Oct 14, 2022
What does a fat demon need? Exercise! | Pazuzu
Friday Oct 14, 2022
Friday Oct 14, 2022
I know, I'm a genius with that joke. Anywhoo! We're back this week, and even more important, we're back with demons! That's fun, it's my favorite topic, and this week it might just be the most famous Hollywood demon around! Yes, the Regan possessing, pea soup spewing, head spinning Pazuzu!
That's all I got for the rundown, so just listen and enjoy!
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Monday Oct 10, 2022
There’s Aliens In Them Hills in Lubbock
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Aliens seem to love the south, I mean, why wouldn't they? It's warm, there's that infamous southern hospitality, there's Mexican food, man, if I were an alien, I'd go there. But that's beside the point, today we're looking at aliens, and a case that took place in Lubbock, Texas. This is an interesting one for the sole reason that the most prominent witnesses were actual real life doctors. Not Medical Doctors, but just regular old doctors of other things. Nevertheless, the credibility for the sightings couldn't have been held in higher regard.
There was, of course, an investigation into the sighting, which a lot of people saw, not just a handful of doctors. The conclusion of said investigation... well, that lead to a bit of disappointment and none answers. But it's still a fun look into some aliens, so if that's your jam, then you're in for a treat!
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Patreon: www.patreon.com/horrorshots

Friday Sep 30, 2022
Vanished in Broad Daylight - Kyron Horman
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Before we begin, I just want to say happy International Podcast Day! Every day is a great day to celebrate your favorite podcasts, but if you want an excuse to leave a review, or share it on social media, today's the day to do it! Now onto the episode rundown!
Back in 2010 a young boy from Oregon simply vanished sometime before school started on a regular June day. Now, this may not sound too strange; sadly people and kids go missing all the time, however what makes this one unique is that for roughly an hour before the 9am role call, Kyron Horman's Stepmom, Terri was helping him set up for a science fair later in the day. She waved goodbye to him as he stood in his school's hallway. However when the 3pm school bus came and went with no sign of him, Terri and his biological father, Kaine, went to the school where it was discovered that Kyron had been marked absent all day.
From there the largest search in Oregon history kicked off. There weren't many suspects, in fact, really just one: Terri. She was the last to see him, and it was later discovered she had an intense hatred for the boy. However, nothing could ever be proven, despite her failing not one, but two polygraphs. It's been over a decade, and there has never been another trace of the young boy. It's a sad story, like all these true crime cases.
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Website: Horror Shots
Instagram: ominousoriginspod
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Patreon: www.patreon.com/horrorshots

Friday Sep 23, 2022
Mongolian Death Worm... That’s what she said.
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Yeah, yeah, terrible joke aside, this is a topic that's been on my radar for a while, and now I can say I've covered the Mongolian Death Worm, even though it's a bit of a misnomer. The MDW is not quite a worm... well, it's not quite anything, really. It's a sausage like, blood filled intestine looking creature with a toothy maw on either end, and it grows to about five feet long, which doesn't exactly scream terrifying, BUT, I guess if it's a worm that big, it's a little off-putting. I mean, five feet is sort of in that range where it's not scary, but not cute, but I digress.
Many have tried to capture some evidence of this elusive beast, but so far none have succeeded, even if one of those intrepid adventurers dedicated decades to the hunt. He determined that it must be little more than a myth. But what do you think? Some cryptids seem, plausible, and some seem out of left field: where do you think the Mongolian Death Worm falls?
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Website: Horror Shots
Instagram: ominousoriginspod
Twitter: @horrorshotsprod
Facebook: Horrorshots
Patreon: www.patreon.com/horrorshots

Saturday Sep 10, 2022
The Sad Story of The Lady of The Dunes
Saturday Sep 10, 2022
Saturday Sep 10, 2022
Sadly, back in 1974 a woman's body was found in the dunes of Provincetown, Massachusetts, which by some accounts is a sleepy little town. On of top of the body being found, it was found by a 12 year old girl who chased a neighborhood dog off the trail. Even sadder still is that the woman is called The Lady of The Dunes to this day. Why? Well, not only was her killer never found - she was never truly found. Handless and nearly decapitated, the poor girl was never identified, and it's terribly difficult to catch a killer when you don't even know who it was that had been killed.
The details of her death are fairly brutal, and the fact that she'd never been identified is truly disturbing and heartbreaking. A soul snuffed out, and a body buried with no name. I can't think of much sadder. There had been theories a plenty about what happen and who she was. Author Joe Hill even tossed a theory around that included the movie Jaws. Other's believed she was taken out by Whitey Bulger. However, none of these theories could be substantiated in anyway.
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Website: Horror Shots
Instagram: ominousoriginspod
Twitter: @horrorshotsprod
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Patreon: www.patreon.com/horrorshots

Thursday Sep 01, 2022
She’s a mighty fine (Ghost) Ship, that Queen Mary
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
So sorry for the hiatus, but I'm back... for now! And I'm back with a brand new episode for you to enjoy, I hope. Today's episode is a listener request! I love when you reach out, so be sure to do it! I don't bite, unless you ask me to, but that request should go to a different email. There may also be an exchange in currency... But podcast topic requests are freeeee!
Today we're talking about the Queen Mary, a ship that made the Titanic look like a little wuss. She's a biggin that made over 1000 North Atlantic trips, and any good sailor will tell you that's a terrible route. I know because a sailor on a TV show said that once. So, total expert here. Anyway, in the 60's she retired and became a hotel and museum. Oh, and she's haunted, naturally.
Housing over 150 ghosts and/or spirits, its regarded as one of the most haunted locations in the world. But is it really all it's cracked up to be? I don't know, you be the judge!
Our sponsor: www.morbidlybeautiful.com
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Website: Horror Shots
Instagram: ominousoriginspod
Twitter: @horrorshotsprod
Facebook: Horrorshots
Patreon: www.patreon.com/horrorshots

Sunday Jul 31, 2022
It’s The Midsummer... Update!
Sunday Jul 31, 2022
Sunday Jul 31, 2022
Hey all! My lack of uploads lately can be attributed to one thing. A little demon of pure evil! Merlin, the Cockapoo. Yeah, a puppy. Anybody who's ever had one knows exactly what I'm talking about. He's a terror, but I'm determined to make him the best little guy in the world. But until then, he's taking all of my waking, non-working hours. So the podcast will be on a bit of a hiatus. But thank you for sticking with me!

Saturday Jul 09, 2022
Dream a Little Dream...
Saturday Jul 09, 2022
Saturday Jul 09, 2022
Ah yes, one of the weirdest things to happen to the human body since puberty, the dream. For as long as humans have been around, dreams have been right there baffling them to an unheard of degree. Hell, it's 2022, and dreams still confuse the crap out of me. But with that said, people as far back as ancient Greece (and probably before that) had their own thoughts on what dreams meant.
From prophecies to omens, dreams meant a few different things, depending on who was studying them. As far as technology and science has come, dreams are still a bit of a mystery. Sure, we know why we have them, and what causes them in a scientific sense, but is there a meaning behind them? Can one really predict future events just by dreaming about it? Who knows! That's half the fun, having that little mystery linger over us when we dream about a humanoid cat chef, in an apron cooking a meal made of pillows.
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Instagram: ominousoriginspod
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